
Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Lambung Mangkurat Museum - our happy two wheels explorer - Mr Dian Hendayana - Bandung - Amelindo sewa motor Banjarmasin. Banjarbaru

The Lambung Mangkurat Museum

The museum, covering the history and culture of South Kalimantan, is a worth of short visit and if you interested in the area's history you could stay longer, but you need an english speaking guide. A good way to see the museum is stop there on your way to diamond fields, Rumah Jomblo, Kiram or  Martapura diamond market.

Unfortunately the museum has only copies (the originals are in Jakarta , as usual) of large bronze pieces from Hindu period, and a model of Candi Laras, a temple from that time. There are also a large scale of the Sultans wood palace, palace clothing, model ships and fishing gear, a red sugar processing apparatus, the royal gamelan and Javanese style masks, weaving tools, and various old ornaments. There is even a genealogical chart listing all past rulers of Banjarmasin.

There is some Dayak art here too, including some funerary pieces and carvings. There are couple of dragon heads on display, which were used in weddings and were presumably a carryover from preMuslim times. Parked just outside the man building is an elaborate ruler's canoe, called a tambangan, covered with decoration. A separate building holds an exhibition by Gusti Sholihin Hassan, a locally famous painter of semi-abstract potraits.

The museum open at 08.30 until 14.00. Shoes must be removed to visit upstairs part of museum. Traditional dance are occasionally performed here on. Sundays and holidays.

Indonesia Borneo Kalimantan - Kal Muler

If you want to visit The Lambung Mangkurat Museum, you can go to Museum Lambung Mangkurat
Komet, Banjarbaru Utara, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan 70714

Thanks to mr Dian Hendayana from Bandung for trusting Amelindo bike Rent Banjarmasin on motorcycle transportation while exploring Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru.

Four wheels move the body but two wheels move the soul.

Call Us For Reservation
Amelindo Bike Rent
WA 0852-3643-3480 or 0857 82 444 227
Phone 0853 4849 6169

#museumLambungMangkurat #borneohistory

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

New International airport Syamsudin Noor South kalimantan - Georgi emilov and Vozukis manolis from Bulgaria - scooter and motorcycle rental in Banjarmasin South kalimantan Amelindo bike rent

International Airport Syamsuddin Noor Banjarbaru

Syamsuddin Noor was officially opened to the public on Wednesday morning (18/12/19), by Indonesian President mr Joko Widodo.
The new terminal is currently serving 7 Million passengers in a year. It is five times on numbers before the previous airport can served, with several domestic flights operated by carrier Garuda Indonesia, Lion air, Sriwijaya and Citilink departing and arriving at the airport's newest terminal.

PT Angkasa Pura I (persero) build this new terminal for 17 months, costs about Rp 2,2 Billion.
The new terminal is also equipped with 42 checkin counter, 4 conveyir belt and 5.185 squaremeter waiting lounge, also 5 fixed bridge and
We all hoping for this new terminal in  term of increasing the domestic and international tourists for South Kalimantan.

Thanks to mr Georgi Emilov from Bulgaria and Mr Vozukis Manolis from Greece

for trusting Amelindo bike Rent Banjarmasin on motorcycle transportation while exploring Banjarmasin.

Four wheels move the body but two wheels move the soul.

Call Us For Reservation
Amelindo Bike Rent
WA 0852-3643-3480 or 0857 82 444 227
Phone 0853 4849 6169

Rental Motor per 24 jam
* Manual 75k
* Matic 100k
* Big Matic  NMax/Aerox - PCX 175k
* Antar-ambil motor 40k (sekali charge)
Syarat sewa
1. Jaminan eKtp dan Npwp
2. Sudah punya Sim C utk pengendara
3. Poto di motor yg di sewa
4. Tanda tangan perjanjian kerusakan/kehilangan unit

#rentalMotorBanjarmasin #rentalMotorIndonesia
#wonderfulIndonesia #exploreBanjarmasin #BanjarmasinHits #georgiemilov #vozukisManolis #greece #bulgaria #kalimantanmotorcycle #sewaPCXBanjarmasin 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Haul guru Sekumpul ke 15 tahun 2020

Di Kalimantan Selatan, khususnya di Sekumpul Martapura. Ada acara besar yang diadakan tiap tahun, yaitu Haul Al-Alimul al-Alamah al-Arif Billaah al-Bahrul Ulum al-Waliy Qutb as-Syekh al-Mukarram Maulana Kiai Haji Muhammad Zaini bin Abdul Ghani al-Banjari atau biasa disebut guru Sekumpul.

Haul ini merupakan acara ke 15 yang telah diselenggarakan, dihadiri jutaan peserta yang datang dari seluruh Kalimantan, Pulau Jawa bahkan ada yang dari negara negara tetangga.

Pemerintah daerah menyediakan 374 posko untuk 25 ribu relawan, 170 dapur umum dan 27 penginapan gratis untuk kesuksesan acara ini.

Untuk tahun 2020 ini ditetapkan puncak acara pada hari Minggu tanggal 1 Maret, namun seminggu sebelum acara, peserta sudah mulai berdatangan dari berbagai daerah, karena ada acara acara tambahan sebelum haul, antara lain pameran benda benda peninggalan Nabi dan sahabat sahabat di Martapura.

Jika teman teman berniat untuk menghadiri acara tahunan ini, dapat langsung menuju ke lokasi Google Map dibawah ya..

Martapura, Banjar, South Kalimantan

Terima kasih Mba Sri Badriaty dan mas Roby - Samarinda, telah melakukan transaksi rental motor di Amelindo Bike Rent

Four wheels move the body but two wheels move the soul.

Call Us For Reservation
Amelindo Bike Rent
WA 0852-3643-3480 or 0857 82 444 227
Phone 0853 4849 6169

Rental motor *
-Manual 75k/24 jam
--Matic 100k/24 jam
- Big Matic NMax/Aerox - PCX 175k/24 jam
--Trail CRF/KLX 250K/24 jam *bukan utk event

Antar-ambil motor 40k

* Sudah termasuk 2 helm dan jas hujan

Syarat sewa
1. Jaminan eKtp dan Npwp
2. Sudah punya Sim C utk pengendara
3. Poto di motor yg di sewa
4. Tanda tangan perjanjian kerusakan/kehilangan unit
5. Motor hanya dipakai di wilayah Kalsel

#rentalMotorBanjarmasin #rentalMotorIndonesia
#wonderfulIndonesia #exploreBanjarmasin #BanjarmasinHits #haulSekumpul #SriBadriaty #Samarinda #Balikpapan #sewaTrailBanjarmasin #rentalTrailBanjarbaru